interlude|interludes in English


[in·ter·lude || 'ɪntə(r)luːd]

intermediate entertainment (performed between parts of a play, concert, etc.); interval, pause or space between events

Use "interlude|interludes" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "interlude|interludes" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "interlude|interludes", or refer to the context using the word "interlude|interludes" in the English Dictionary.

1. Bassein, the Portuguese interlude

2. A Brahminical interlude in Kerala

3. The dance provided a delightful comic interlude.

4. There will now be a short interlude.

5. There will now be a 15 - minute interlude.

6. This was just a very brief interlude in her life.

7. Ladies and gentlemen, there will now be a short interlude.

8. Halfway through the performance there was a short musical interlude.

9. The play during the latter interludes - humane warmth not being Flannery's forte - seems somewhat enfeebled.

10. This somewhat absurd episode was a mere interlude in a fiercely fought campaign.

11. "Get Naked (I Got a Plan)" (Interlude) introduces the fifth segment.

12. She returned to that theatre regularly through 1777, singing between the acts, in musical interludes and afterpieces.

13. To be clear, the Sonatas and Interludes are not Aleatoric works, so the John Cage piece on our playlist does

14. The Dictionary of National Biography describes this as a pleasant interlude in his life.

15. Apart from a brief interlude of peace, the war lasted nine years.

16. Her time in Paris was a happy interlude in a difficult career.

17. Cerement is equal parts hair-raising screams and riffs, tactfully tasteful interludes, brooding bullfrog synths, and loin-tingling cleans.

18. There had been a highly amusing interlude, when they called for the photographs.

19. Instead of bringing joy, this interlude produced Aimlessness and corrosion of the spirit

20. Herta sometimes looks as though she could do with the odd impotent interlude.

21. It is certain, however, that both higher animals and higher plants are diploid, with only brief haploid interludes.

22. The holiday was a hot interlude beneath a blue sky beside a blue pool.

23. After the musical interlude, Gijssen declared himself satisfied and the time out was officially confirmed.

24. Knighton provided a busy interlude, the bustle contrasting strongly with the tranquility of my journey.

25. Entr'Acte definition is - a dance, piece of music, or interlude performed between two acts of a play.